

Welcome to the Wipays API! You can use our API to receive payments from your customers. You will be able to create payment links, and receive payment notifications.

This API documentation is a part of Wipays. Feel free to contact us for any questions or feedback.


To authorize, add the field public_key to the body of your request:

curl -X POST https://{{DOMAIN}}/endpoint \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
  "public_key": "your_api_key"

You will need 2 keys to use Wipays API: public_key and secret_key. You can receive both API keys from your support manager.

public_key is used to authenticate your requests to the API. You should include it in the body of your request.

secret_key is used to generate and verify signatures for Instant Payment Notification (IPN).

Initiate Payment

To initiate a payment, send a POST request to the following endpoint: Fields are sorted in alphabetical order.

curl -X POST https://{{DOMAIN}}/payment/initiate \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
  "public_key": "your_api_key",
  "amount": "",
  "billing_info": {
       "address_one": "",
       "address_two": "",
       "area": "",
       "city": "",
       "sub_city": "",
       "state": "",
       "postcode": "",
       "country": "",
       "others": "",
  "cancel_url": "",
  "currency": "USD",
  "customer": {
      "first_name": "",
      "last_name": "",
      "email": "",
      "mobile": "",
  "details": "",
  "identifier": "",
  "ipn_url": "",
  "shipping_info": {
       "address_one": "",
       "address_two": "",
       "area": "",
       "city": "",
       "sub_city": "",
       "state": "",
       "postcode": "",
       "country": "",
       "others": "",
  "site_name": "",
  "site_logo": "",
  "success_url": "",

This endpoint initiates a payment. The response will contain a payment link that you can redirect your customer to.

HTTP Request

POST http://{{DOMAIN}}/payment/initiate

Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description Example
public_key true Your API key. "your_api_key"
amount true The amount to be paid. 100.00 , 100
cancel_url true The URL to redirect the customer to if the payment is canceled. ""
currency true The currency of the payment "USD", "EUR", "CAD"
customer true The customer's information. (see Customer parameters) See Customer parameters
details true The details of the payment. Max 255 symbols. "Payment for order #123"
identifier true A unique identifier for the payment. Preferrably uuid. Max 255 symbols. YOUR_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER
ipn_url true The URL to send payment notifications to. ""
site_name true The name of your website. "Your Website"
success_url true The URL to redirect the customer to after a successful payment. ""
billing_info false The billing information of the customer. See Billing Info parameters
shipping_info false The shipping information of the customer. See Shipping Info parameters
site_logo false The URL to your website's logo. ""

Customer Parameters

Parameter Required Description Example
first_name true The customer's first name. "John"
last_name true The customer's last name. "Doe"
email true The customer's email. "[email protected]"
mobile true The customer's mobile number. "+1234567890"

Billing Info Parameters

Parameter Required Description
address_one false The first line of the customer's address.
address_two false The second line of the customer's address.
area false The area of the customer's address.
city false The city of the customer's address.
sub_city false The sub-city of the customer's address.
state false The state of the customer's address.
postcode false The postcode of the customer's address.
country false The country of the customer's address.
others false Any other information about the customer's address.

Shipping Info Parameters

Parameter Required Description
address_one false The first line of the customer's address.
address_two false The second line of the customer's address.
area false The area of the customer's address.
city false The city of the customer's address.
sub_city false The sub-city of the customer's address.
state false The state of the customer's address.
postcode false The postcode of the customer's address.
country false The country of the customer's address.
others false Any other information about the customer's address.


  "status": "success",
  "message": "Payment initiated successfully",
  "redirect_url": ""
Parameter Description Example
status The status of the request. "success"
message The message of the request. "Payment initiated successfully"
redirect_url The payment URL to redirect the customer to. ""

IPN (Instant Payment Notification)

Wipays sends payment notifications to the IPN URL you provide in the payment initiation request. The IPN will contain the payment details.

IPN Parameters

Parameter Description Example
identifier The unique identifier of the payment that you have sent when initiating the payment "YOUR_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER"
status Status of the event the notification is about "success"
signature Hash for the authentication. Uppercase of sha256 of {identifier}{timestamp} signed with your secret_key
timestamp The timestamp when the IPN was sent. Use it to generate and check signature 1631533200
data The payment details. See Payment Details parameters

Signature Generation

To generate the signature, you should hash the concatenation of the identifier and timestamp with your secret_key using sha256 and convert it to uppercase. See the code examples. PHP example is the "source of truth" for the signature generation

$signature = strtoupper(hash_hmac('sha256', $identifier.$timestamp, $secret_key));
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret_key).update(`${identifier}${timestamp}`).digest('hex').toUpperCase();

IPN types

Checkout IPN Data

Parameter Description Example
trx The internal unique identifier of the payment. DO NOT use this to generate and check signature. "UNIQUE_PAYMENT_ID"
amount The amount of the payment or chargeback related to the IPN 100.00
currency The currency of the payment or chargeback related to the IPN "USD"
type The type of the IPN. "checkout"
timestamp The timestamp of the payment or chargeback related to the IPN. DO NOT use this to generate and check signature "2021-04-05 00:00:00"

Chargeback Initiated IPN Data

Parameter Description Example
trx The internal unique identifier of the payment. DO NOT use this to generate and check signature. "UNIQUE_PAYMENT_ID"
amount The amount of the chargeback 100.00
type The type of the IPN. "chargeback_initiated"
initiated_at The timestamp of the chargeback initiation. DO NOT use this to generate and check signature "2021-04-05 00:00:00"
message The message of the chargeback. "Chargeback initiated on this transaction"
timestamp The timestamp of the related payment URL creation. DO NOT use this to generate and check signature "2021-04-05 00:00:00"
currency The currency of the chargeback "USD"

Chargeback Resolved IPN Data

Parameter Description Example
trx The internal unique identifier of the payment. DO NOT use this to generate and check signature. "UNIQUE_PAYMENT_ID"
amount The amount of the chargeback 100.00
type The type of the IPN. "chargeback_resolved"
in_favor_of The party in favor of the chargeback. "client", "merchant"
timestamp The timestamp of the chargeback resolution. DO NOT use this to generate and check signature "2021-04-05 00:00:00"
currency The currency of the chargeback "USD"